Monday, October 29, 2012

9 Easy Steps to be Healthy :D

How are you all?
I've told you before that being healthy is easy, right? It just takes the motivation to change our bad habits into good, healthy ones.

Now I'll give you 9 simple but useful tips to start living your healthy lifestyle.

1.  Drink a glass of water every morning


If you haven’t got time for anything else in the morning, make time to drink a glass of water. We lose a lot of oxygen through the night and to restore our cells so we need to supply them with water and oxygen. Drink a glass of water and within a week you’ll begin to feel less tired.

2.  Eat fruits and vegetables

Eat more fruits and vegetables and get rid of the high sugar and processed foods.
Fruits are great for their nutrients, vitamins and sugars that are required in our body. Experts suggest that we should have 5-9 servings of fruits/vegetables. Fruits and vegetables with bright colors are usually high in anti-oxidants. Don't eat junk food. Junk food is full of “empty calories” that do nothing for your body but put on extra unhealthy fat.