Saturday, March 2, 2013

Celebrities Beauty and Health Secrets

1. Nicole Scherzinger

"My new motto is: 'Stay active, eat everything in moderation, and stop being so tough on myself,' " Scherzinger tells the December 2011 issue of Shape.
Scherzinger who won season 10 of Dancing With the Stars in 2010, typically works out for 60-90 minutes at least five days a week. In addition to cardio, Nicole does circuit-training strength moves with limited rest in between sets.
"Actually, I eat—a lot! Even with my crazy schedule, I never skip meals," she says. "I’ll often have soft-boiled eggs, smoked salmon, and whole-wheat toast for breakfast; cold cuts, veggies, and fruit for lunch; and usually chicken or fish with rice and more vegetables for dinner.”
When Nicole overindulges and gains a few pounds, she turns to dancing to get back in shape.
"I also have a resistance workout that does wonders for my arms and abs."

2. Jennifer Aniston


Jennifer Aniston claims that yoga “changed her life.” While yoga is good for stretching your muscles while in motion, focusing on your breathing, relaxation, and centering yourself, you can also find something that is more suitable for your since there are many different types of exercise.
Last year, Aniston told the Daily Mirror about how she keeps her tiny figure, “It’s simple. I run, work out every day. I do a lot of running. Exercise is so important.”
Not only is exercise important, but also eating right will help maintain a healthy weight. Aniston told Glamour Magazine what she eats to stay healthy, “Real food, food that’s truly and naturally life-sustaining and delicious.”
Eating breakfast every morning, eating greens before anything else, rearranging your fridge with appealing and healthy foods, and picking out fresh healthy ingredients. Fish is also mentioned in adding to your healthy eating habits since it contains good proteins and fats such as Omega 3 and Vitamin D

3. Miranda Kerr


“It’s really important to drink a lot of water. I drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day. Water also fills you up so you tend to eat less. When you don’t drink enough fluids your body gets dehydrated and you may feel weak, shaky, or tired.” Miranda Kerr explained.
She likes to drink raw juices too. “I think it’s important to drink raw juices. Raw juicing is really great to get all your vitamins and minerals. Raw fruits and juices do provide many important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. Whole fruits and vegetables provide not only essential vitamins and minerals, but the added benefit of fiber. Fiber is the key nutrient to feeling full.”
And the last secret,“Try to eat as much raw fresh organic produce as possible. Raw, organic produce offers many health benefits, such as increased energy, better digestion, improved skin appearance, weight loss, and decreased risk of heart disease.”

4. Carrie Underwood


"I love eating and talking about food. I've been a vegetarian for seven years. But after seeing a friend who looked amazing and had recently gone vegan, I thought, What's holding me back?"
"Now I'm 95 percent vegan. Sometimes you're at a birthday party and there's cake know, you can't resist. My veganism is based on a concern about where my food is coming from. In my perfect world, I'd have webcams wherever food is processed so I'd know how clean it is."
"I'll never eat meat again, because I look and feel better without it, but if I could raise my own cows and chickens and produce my own eggs and cheese, it would be awesome! The food would taste better, because the animals would be happy."

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